Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I discovered some red cabbage seed in the spring when I decided to grow as many of my own veggies as possible this year. Lately several have matured. I don't care for red cabbage in salads although a few strands do look colourful. That wasn't going to use much and I didn't want to watch them rot.

I found a suitable recipe on-line and re-worked it to suit the ingredients I have to hand. I was satisfied with the result and John enjoyed it too. The crispy bacon was the making of it.


50 gm butter
2 rashers bacon
1 onion
handful fresh thyme
half red cabbage, (3-4 cups when sliced)
30-60 ml red wine

Dice bacon and cook until crispy. Set aside.

While the bacon s cooking .... Slice onion and cook gently in butter.
Add thyme and salt to onion and toss around for a few minutes over the heat
Add wine and cover. Cook over gentle heat for as long as it takes. I was happy after 10 or 15 minutes but some people like to cook this for 45 minutes. You really want all the liquid to be used up or evaporated.

Add crisp bacon, toss and serve.

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