Wednesday, March 17, 2010


HEREHave you ever *cooked* a radish?? I have... and WOW, are they delicious! Somehow, when cooked they lose their characteristic hot taste and become (get this): sweet! Yes, they taste mild and sweet and very much like potatoes when cooked like home fries or hash browns. (I didn't believe it either. Check it out). I saw this idea on various low carb message boards. Radishes are low carb and low cal; one cup of sliced radishes contains 19 calories, 1 g protein, 2g fiber, no fat, and 4g carbs. They are rich in vitamin C, folate, and potassium as well.

I started with a cheap bag of radishes from Walmart because I was *sure* I was not going to like this. I washed them and trimmed the ends.

Then I used my new Salad Shooter (which I LOVE!! It slices and grates so fast!) to cut the radishes into very thin slices. You could shred them if you prefer. I put them in a nonstick pan with a bit of olive oil over medium-high heat. I sprinkled them with onion powder and black pepper, and put a lid on the pan.

I cooked them until they were translucent, tender, and browning a bit. I took the lid off at the end to let the steam out. I also turned them to brown both sides. It was actually more of a "toss" than a flip. They don't stick together. And this was my dinner last night:

1 comment:

  1. I had never in my life heard of cooking radishes until last month. I was very pleasantly surprised! They are great in stirfrys.
